Retirement Planning

Christie Financial Planning Limited is responsible for the management of significant amounts of pension monies held on behalf of clients. The management of pension monies can be separated into two distinct stages: the accumulation stage, where one is building assets for eventual retirement; and the de-accumulation stage, where one is utilising the pension fund to provide income in retirement. As a firm, Christie Financial Planning Limited has clients who fall into both categories, and we have considerable expertise in creating the most appropriate plan for each client’s changing needs.

Over the last 15 years we have worked with clients who have accumulated pension funds over their working lives and are now taking income in their retirement. The retirement market is a very complex area, with products such as self invested personal pensions (SIPPs), small self administered pension schemes (SSAS), drawdown, phased, capped and open market options. Expert advice should be sought when considering your pension options, and Christie Financial Planning Limited has that expert knowledge.